
Vaccines and FAKE Safety Testing


by Steve Halbrook

If vaccines were actually deadly instead of safe, those making them would try to manipulate the safety studies. And they do. One method is to not use a harmless placebo (like a saline injection) – but to compare a new vaccine with more poison (either with another vaccine, or a vaccine adjuvant).

In this approach of making one poison the standard by which a similar poison is assessed, by comparison, the effects of the experimental vaccine – no matter how deadly — seem normal.

As Dr. Russell Blaylock puts it:

[V]accine control groups rarely receive a true placebo, which should be a harmless substance. The scientific method has always been predicated upon removing all potentially confounding influences. However, many vaccine studies do not conform to this integral component of valid research. This is an important concept to grasp. For example, when the safety profile of a new vaccine is being tested, one group may receive the experimental vaccine made with aluminum while the “control” group receives an injection of aluminum as well (rather than water or another harmless substance). When vaccines are compared in this way, that is, to other substances that are capable of causing adverse reactions, the vaccine appears safer than it really is. Whenever this deceptive tactic is utilized, officially acknowledged adverse reactions to a vaccine may represent only a fraction of the true potential risks to the recipient.

Russell Blaylock in Foreward to Neil Z. Miller, Vaccine Safety Manual: For Concerned Families and Health Practitioners (Santa Fe, NM: New Atlantean Press, 2015), 19.

The notion of measuring risks of one vaccine relative to another in order to determine safety is not science, but sophistry. There is a world of difference between the relative risk of taking one poison instead of another poison and the absolute risk of taking one poison as opposed to no poison at all.

Would you determine the safety of drinking gasoline by having people drink either gasoline or something equally dangerous? Is it not delusional to believe drinking gasoline is safe just because drinking gasoline is equally dangerous to another poison? “Ole Bob died from drinking gasoline, but it must be safe, since Ole George died from drinking something else.”

If this testing method seems far-fetched, the pro-vaccine Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) flat out states:

“Inert placebo controls are not required to understand the safety profile of a new vaccine, and are thus not required.”

Department of Health and Human Services: Office of the Secretary, Letter to Mr. Del Bigtree, 2. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from

Children’s Health Defense gives several examples of the use of this insidious testing method. Some include:

Healthy infants were immunized at 2, 4 and 6 months of age with hepatitis B vaccine manufactured by either SmithKline Beecham (Engerix-B, 10 micrograms/dose, n = 228) or Merck and Co. (Recombivax HB, 2.5 micrograms/dose, n = 200).

The safety and efficacy of simultaneous administration of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP), and trivalent oral poliovirus (OPV) vaccines in a test group of 405 children were compared with the safety and efficacy of sequential administration of the same vaccines in a control group of 410 children given MMR followed by booster doses of DTP and OPV 2 months later.

Two hundred seven infants were randomized to receive three doses of either nonavalent protein conjugate pneumococcal vaccine (PnCV) or inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) at 2, 3 and 4 months of age with routine Expanded Program of Immunization vaccines as scheduled.

A pretext to justify such unsafe testing is to say that to do otherwise is “unethical.” As the HHS states, “In some cases, inclusion of placebo control groups is considered unethical.”

Here’s the reasoning vaccine propagandists give:

But it’s important to realize that, in some cases, testing a new vaccine against a saline injection is considered unethical. Imagine that a safe and effective vaccine is currently available in our country and that a company is testing a new one that is supposed to be even more effective. Depriving half of the trial participants of the preexisting vaccine and giving them a placebo instead would not be fair: it would actually be unethical.

Jonathan Jarry M.Sc., “Placebos Used in Vaccine Trials Do Not Please Everyone” (July 3, 2020, McGill: Office for Science and Society). Retrieved July 26, 2023, from

What a convenient way to avoid proving that vaccines are safe! Just call it unethical to withhold vaccines from trial participants! Even when vaccines are not required by force of law! Even when surely there are those who would be willing to undergo the trials at the risk of being “deprived” of a “safe and effective” vaccine! Even when such a “necessary” vaccine could be offered to the placebo-recipient immediately after the trial!

Indeed, they call withholding vaccines from any trial participants as unethical, even though, by the very nature of trials, people volunteer to be possibly harmed. In fact, the non-placebo is the very danger in question. If it is unethical to withhold from someone an old vaccine, it is unethical to give someone an experimental vaccine.

(This is all from the same utilitarians who support voluntary euthanasia and abortion — as well as sacrificing individuals for the “greater good”.)

Sure – some vaccine propagandists will say that some tests use real placebos. If in fact that is not a lie (either on the part of the propagandists or those who do the tests), what would that prove? That some vaccine safety tests are legit, but the rest are deceptive? That some vaccines are safe, but the rest perhaps not?

And in truth, I think we’ve seen enough to know that they would fudge the results anyway if actual placebos were used. Although, it may be that so many vaccine safety trials simply forgo true placebos since it might be a little harder to cover up faked results of true placebo trials.

When it comes to concealing murder, I suppose those at the top of the vaccine pyramid believe it is best to cover all bases.

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1 thought on “Vaccines and FAKE Safety Testing

  1. I wonder what the truth is. I keep seeing multiple deaths on BitChute, and I do know someone who died from the Covid vaccine and another had a stroke. However, everyone else we know who got it are fine. Why? Something is odd.

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