Christianity, History, Natural, Quotes

Vaccination and Blasphemy (1892)

“The vaccination theory implies, and vaccinators and pro-vaccinators openly assert, that a healthy unvaccinated child is a nuisance, as dangerous as a mad dog, a rabid horse, etc. Such wild talk is blasphemy against the Creator, who doeth all things well. Such a theory per se condemns any practice founded upon it.” — Vaccination Tracts, 1892


The SINFUL & DANGEROUS Allure of Vaccinating for the Praise of Man

Surely some, perhaps many, vaccinate despite knowledge (or at least suspicion) that vaccines are useless and deadly. For some, status and “being cool” are everything. But cutting your life short is not so cool. And you won’t feel so cool if you have to answer to God for poisoning yourself via vaccination. Your peers won’t be around to offer applause for vaccinating then — although they may be trembling in shame and fear.