
DELUSIONAL PANIC: Is Believing the Scamdemic a Consequence of Rebellion against God?

The delusional threat of COVID-19 as viewed by many

by Steve Halbrook

Could the mass psychosis regarding the Scamdemic be a judgment of God on the nations? Most likely.

In the Old Testament, Israel is warned of several judgments as consequences for rebellion against God. One of those is blind fearfulness:

I will set my face against you, and you shall be struck down before your enemies. Those who hate you shall rule over you, and you shall flee when none pursues you. (Leviticus 26:17, ESV)

Rebellion against God can certainly result in legitimate physical dangers as judgment (as we see in this very text) — but the reference to fleeing “when none pursues you” speaks to a judgment on the mind: the Israelites would be terrified of threats that don’t exist; delusional panic.

Further down in the same chapter, Scripture says,

And as for those of you who are left, I will send faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies. The sound of a driven leaf shall put them to flight, and they shall flee as one flees from the sword, and they shall fall when none pursues. They shall stumble over one another, as if to escape a sword, though none pursues. And you shall have no power to stand before your enemies. (Leviticus 26:36, 37, ESV)

Does the judgment of “faintness of heart” only apply to Israel? Not necessarily. God judges all nations for rebellion. And indeed, elsewhere in Scripture, “faintness of heart” applies to the wicked in general:

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1, ESV)

Perhaps such irrational dread ultimately points to a fear of God’s wrath — whether in this life or the next. God often does punish rebellion in this life, and in every case eternally in the next to those who do not trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Commenting on the verse above, Bible commentator Matthew Poole writes:

The wicked flee when no man pursueth, because the conscience of their own guilt puts them into a continual expectation and dread of God’s judgments. (Matthew Poole’s Commentary, Proverbs 28:1, ESV)

A dread of God’s judgment can make one so terrified of death, that he becomes paranoid; seeing imagined or exaggerated terrors when there are none. Of course, this may be a means that drives him to Christ for salvation. Praise God when this happens. But it can also result in destructive behavior — both to himself, and to his neighbors.

Now, what have we seen since the start of the Scamdemic? The entire world fleeing when no one pursues: an irrational fear of COVID – the danger of which is, if it even exists, is for most people more hyped than actual. A mass psychosis where people see a relatively benign virus as the Black Death – and are terrified to leave their homes, interact with others, and go anywhere without covering their face. The fear is infectious, spreading like fire.

The psychosis is so bad that, in the name of protecting themselves from COVID, they are willing to risk their lives by taking an experimental vaccine. Too often, they either don’t bother to seriously consider and research the side effects of this shot, or they completely disregard attempts from others to warn them about it – even when confronted with disturbing reports of people harmed or killed by the vaccine.

And so, regarding the connection between fleeing “when none pursues you” and God’s judgment per Leviticus 26:17: could the mass psychosis that we are seeing be a judgment of God for our sins? The world has been in rebellion against God for the longest time. It’s hard for me to see it as anything otherwise.

Now, there is the fact that many Christians are under this delusion. I am not saying they are fake Christians, or those of us who discern the Scamdemic are better Christians. We are all sinners who fall short. Nor can I say for sure why they are blind (perhaps different reasons for different people). Is God judging or chastening them? God knows.

But, the fact that this is happening among Christians is concerning, especially when, due to “protecting” themselves from a mostly fictional threat, they are heading at warp speed to their deaths via the COVID shot — and may take their children with them.

May the good Lord open the eyes of His people, and convert His enemies. May we flee to Christ, and not to the murderous arms of the Corona Fascists. Christ is man’s only refuge — not death.

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1 thought on “DELUSIONAL PANIC: Is Believing the Scamdemic a Consequence of Rebellion against God?

  1. Good info sites,, Health Impact news,, Childrens Defense., Vaccines and Vaccinations, America’s Frontline Doctors.. Get informed before its too late. This is a global take over, depopulation crisis.
    Why are pastors not speaking about the situation we are in? I have sent info, videos, websites, to several they don’t even respond or
    acknowledged they received anything.
    In my opinion, they will have to answer for not informing the congregation of the genocide and global atrocities taking place. They are willingly allowing people to die. I CAN NOT go to a church that I believe is not a Christian teaching church, AFRAID TO TELL THE TRUTH. Its bad when the church refuses to research the truth and tell people. They don’t want a congregation, they want an audience. Solo singers, bands, zero information about the dire times we are facing. THESE ARE NOT GOD’S CHURCHES.

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