1 thought on “WILL Pastors & Churches Address Medical Tyranny? (David Knight)

  1. Yes indeed. When we have bowed the knee to our Lord and given Him our lives, none of us expected the way in which our faith would be tested. However so many church leaders are ignorant about what is actually happening with the plandemic, the shots, the Great Reset and AI looming on the horizon with the horrors that will bring. As well as courage our church leaders need to be informed with ears to hear, and eyes to see what lurks behind all that is occurring. We must pray for leaders to lead the people. I have my choice teachers and pastors to listen to on line for which I am immensely grateful but how long for? Big tech is on the warpath against anyone who refuses to follow the prescribed narrative. We need local leaders everywhere to be shepherds and voices of God Almighty in this new world deception. I can see similarities for this predicament throughout the Word. It may not be the leaders who take up the baton. It may have to be little old me and little old you who feel as inadequate as Moses, as fearful as Jonah, or as unlearned as Peter to make the truth known. We need to pray for God chosen leadership for this new world we are living in.

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