Christianity, History, Natural, Quotes

Vaccination and Blasphemy (1892)

“The vaccination theory implies, and vaccinators and pro-vaccinators openly assert, that a healthy unvaccinated child is a nuisance, as dangerous as a mad dog, a rabid horse, etc. Such wild talk is blasphemy against the Creator, who doeth all things well. Such a theory per se condemns any practice founded upon it.” — Vaccination Tracts, 1892

Christianity, Ethics, History, Quotes, Smallpox

Reverend William Hume-Rothery Ethically and Logically Refutes Vaccination (1872)

“The theory of this so-called Vaccination is that we must do evil that good may come : create a disease to prevent a disease; a minor, which may be followed by life-long sufferings or a speedy and untimely death, to prevent a major, which might never occur, and could not possibly occur if the laws of health were faithfully obeyed. This theory would justify every description of wickedness within certain bounds. It, and the practice alluded to, which is based upon it, must, therefore, be indefensible on any Christian or rational ground whatever.”

Christianity, History, Quotes

Reverend Isaac Lockhart Peebles on the Insanity of Vaccination (1902)

“Diseasing them to keep them from being diseased; making them sick to keep them from becoming sick; killing them to keep them from being killed! What philosophy! Giving them a disease more to be dreaded than the one it is supposed to prevent; giving a disease about which they know nothing, to prevent another about which they know nothing! What science!”