Coronavirus, Medical Tyranny

The “Real Virus” is not COVID-19 — but YOU and ALL of Humanity

It’s high time we read between the lines: for the globalist manipulators behind the Coronavirus scamdemic, the real virus is not COVID-19 — but humanity.

It is not COVID-19 that must be isolated and, to a degree, eradicated; it is mankind. Such is obvious in the extreme, totaliarian measures being taken to combat a deliberately overhyped virus.

Targeting certain people for subjugation and genocide for being a “disease” that threatens society is nothing new. For the Nazis, it was the Jews. In our day — the era of Corona Fascism — it is, for the power-hungry globalist elites, all of mankind.

Coronavirus, Medical Tyranny, Videos

Mandatory Masks as Respiratory Rape

How perverse and godless is a society that sanctions respiratory rape? Because what else would you call the act of suppressing one’s breathing with the use of violence, or the threat of violence? This is all being done by our police and civil authorities.