Coronavirus, Medical Tyranny

MASS PSYCHOSIS: when People are willing to Sacrifice themselves and even their Children to Tyrants

by Stephen Halbrook In 1 Samuel 8, when Israel demands from Samuel a king like the other nations, we are told that they had rejected God Himself. Samuel warns Israel of the consequences of having such a king. The king would plunder them of their property, enslave them, and take their children. The people would cry out to God because…

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Christianity, Coronavirus, Mass Murder

The COVID Shot, Bribery & Jobs: Don’t Fall for Manipulative Tactics that COULD END YOUR LIFE

Fellow Christians, my plea is for you to stand firm, and never succumb to the manipulative tactics of the globalists to get you to get the death shot. Trust in God, and His provision. Do not go along with the evil vaccine agenda, regardless of the perceived consequences. If you have already gotten the jab, then resolve to never get it again. Let your mindset be of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: