History, Mass Murder, Medical Tyranny

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 3: Terror in Uganda

Uganda is an example of how vaccination has caused untold suffering to countless families. Imagine seeing your children being rounded up and forcefully given a deadly poison at the point of a gun, and then witnessing them dying in your arms soon afterwards.

Such terror and wickedness the Ugandans and other Africans have suffered again and again — all to appease that merciless idol of the medical religious cult, vaccination.

History, Medical Tyranny, Paganism

Vaccines and the Neo-Pagan Physician

As high priests of man’s supposed medical achievements, humanist doctors adamantly insist on their magic potions—vaccines. While these potions have been long discredited as safe—and their efficacy is questionable—the never-ending chant “it’s safe and scientific, safe and scientific, safe and scientific” somehow transforms vaccines into something they are not.

History, Mass Murder, Medical Tyranny, Vaccine Pandemic Series

Vaccine Pandemic: Part 4: The Medical Profession’s Legacy of Tyranny, Torture, and Murder

This utilitarian ethic that predominates in medical circles is doing evil that good may come, namely, to sacrifice a few people for the sake of the many. This evil philosophy is contrary to Scripture: “And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just” (Romans 3:8).