Deception, Ignorance, Mass Murder

“Correlation is not Causation”: an Irrational Dismissal of Countless Vaccine-Caused Deaths

This piece thoroughly dismantles vaccine holocaust denialism via the mantra “correlation is not causation.”

Let’s call the “correlation is not causation” mantra for what it is: an irrational dismissal of the countless injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. That is, irrational, or due to ignorance, at best; flagrantly dishonest at worst.

Vaccines are obviously deadly and the harm that follows from them is not some grand coincidence.

One can hide behind all the so-called studies that he wants, but that does not change reality. Absurdity, cloaked in science, could just be a form of rebellion against God, and hostility towards one’s fellow man.

Call to Action, Mass Murder, Medical Tyranny

They Want to Subjugate You: Vaccination as the Established Religion

The current push to eliminate religious exemptions to vaccines, coupled with the push to force everyone to undergo the rite of vaccination, means this: they are gearing to make vaccination the established, national religion.

In short, a vaxxocracy.

A vaxxocracy does not tolerate the opposition by allowing for dissent; but imposes its will on your very health and life. And your children’s.