History, Quotes

Quote: Vaccines and Calling Evil Good, and Good Evil (1892)

To enact a medical creed; to make health a crime ; to punish parents as criminals, because they will not allow their children to be diseased ; to establish and endow the degraded office of the spy ; to authorize guardians of the poor to interfere with the domestic life of independent citizens ; to filch from the poor-rates for the prosecution of respectable ratepayers ;…

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Deception, History, Polio, Vaccine Pandemic Series

Vaccine Pandemic: Part 6: Unsafe & Deceptive — the Polio Vaccine Scam

“In 1955, right after the [polio] vaccination program got under way, they radically redefined the diagnostic parameters of polio, followed soon thereafter by changes in labeling protocol, then by even more stringent technical requirements for a polio diagnosis. In short, they ultimately redefined not the disease, but the label, out of existence. That’s not disease eradication, that’s a con game.” — Shawn Siegel