Call to Action, Christianity, Opposition

The Need for Official Church Statements about Vaccination

When it comes to defending human life, vaccination — which has insidiously injured and killed countless people — is, along with abortion, the biggest battle of the day.

As such, it is imperative that churches have official statements condemning vaccination (both its use and state-imposed mandates). Here are some statements from churches that are taking this issue seriously.

Call to Action, Reformers, Videos

A Good Example of how Christians can Deal with Death Threats for Opposing Vaccines

Surely many who publicly oppose vaccines have wondered — and/or have been warned by others — about whether their lives are in jeopardy. Dr. Suzanne Humphries — a very important voice in vaccine awareness circles — has received death threats several times.

In one case (last year), the threat seemed very serious, and she discussed the instance on video. Here she sets a great example for Christians to follow, as she refuses to quit informing others about vaccines, but instead talks about trusting in God to protect her in the face of possible death.

Call to Action

“Let my people go”: the Urgent Need for Christian Leaders to Oppose Vaccination

A good model for Christian leadership in opposition to tyranny is Moses. When the Israelites were suffering at the hands of Pharaoh, Moses persistently plead on their behalf. Despite Pharaoh’s stubbornness, God eventually blessed the Israelites with deliverance.

Moses, then, confronted the political leadership of his day head-on – and didn’t stop until God’s people were free.