History, Mass Murder

25,000 Children Annually Slaughtered by Vaccination (Digest of Parliamentary Returns, 1878)


Vaccination is mass murder. Always has been, always will be. Death and permanent injury are what happens when you bypass the innate immune system with poisons injected directly into the bloodstream.

According to C. Wardell Amerige in his book Vaccination a Curse (1895), England’s “Digest of Parliamentary Returns” in 1878 states that 25,000 children are killed each year by vaccination:

The extent of this crime against child-life is not an imaginary picture. In the English “Digest of Parliamentary Returns,” No. 488, Session of 1878, entitled “Vaccination Mortality,” we find the startling statement that: “Twenty five thousand children are annually slaughtered by disease. inoculated into the system by vaccination, and a far greater number are injured and maimed for life by the same unwholesome rite.”

C. Wardell Amerige, Vaccination a Curse (1895), 17.

Keep in mind that this is merely English data — not global data.

Maybe the numbers are a bit off; maybe the actual count was lower; or, could it have been higher? This doesn’t seem far-fetched. See, for example, our posts on vaccination deaths here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Death by vaccination is much more common than many think.

This does not even count those who survive vaccination but are permanently harmed. As the quote above from 1878 states, “a far greater number [than 25,000 annually] are injured and maimed for life by the same unwholesome rite.”

Sad to see that after all of this time, the delusion continues.

Refrain from vaccination, and warn others.

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