Deception, Russia

#Scamdemic 2.0 – the Russian Virus (and its Potential for Vaccine Tyranny)


by Steve Halbrook

Scamdemic 2.0 has arrived. Just in time, as many around the world have developed immunity to the original Scamdemic (COVID1984). The new Scamdemic is the “Russian virus” — which says that anything Russian is an infection that threatens the very existence of the planet with genocide and nuclear war.

This means that it is time to get afraid again, to hide under the bed, and surrender whatever liberties we have left to prevent an “infection” that will supposedly destroy the entire planet …

Now, when it comes to Russia and its allies versus Ukraine, America, and their allies, I don’t trust any of the sides. They’re all Globalist-controlled countries that promoted the same Globalist script about COVID to implement tyranny and vaccine genocide.

War simply seems to be the new script to implement the same. As we’ve discussed, it really seems that all sides involved are in it together to wage war on us.

The fact that our problem is not uniquely Russia per se but a global problem means the “Russian virus” narrative is a diversion. The real virus is Globalism, which has infected just about every government — not just Russia, but governments ostensibly opposed to it, including America and Ukraine.

Expect this fake narrative to be a continuation of the totalitarianism set in motion by the COVID scam — with enormous consequences for our liberty.

And if you oppose vaccine genocide, just watch. If they have their way, the Globalists will likely seize this opportunity to again accelerate this murderous program. This is all said not to be fatalistic, but to prepare for what might be ahead. Here are some areas of concern, followed by a discussion of what we can do about it.


War provides a powerful pretext for censorship. We are already seeing censorship on all sides. For example, see here for info on censorship implemented by Russian authorities.

Those on the other side are doing likewise. For instance, regarding Globalist-controlled social media, Newsmax reports:

YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter, have all reduced Russian propaganda and disinformation on their platforms by banning or restricting content from such Russian state media outlets as RT and Sputnik, the Washington Examiner reported.

Expect practically all of Big Tech to do this — social, search engines, etc. Over “Russian disinformation,” the supposed “unbiased” DuckDuckGo officially joined the Globalist bandwagon.

With the pretext for more online control, expect censorship to accelerate (even more than it already has) regarding websites and posts that cover the truth about vaccines. As shown in the next session, a narrative is already in place connecting “Russia” and “vaccine disinformation”.

Keeping people in the dark about the dangers of vaccination has always been key to continuing this genocidal program.

The witch-hunt

Wartime powers will likely broaden the persecution of Russians to anyone critical of Globalist narratives. Just as anyone critical of Critical Race Theory, liberalism, or the COVID scam is a “white supremacist.” Or as the so-called “War on Terror” was a bait and switch to eventually brand conservatives, Trump supporters, and concerned parents of public school children as “domestic terrorists.”

As wartime hysteria accelerates, expect to see such labels against critics of Globalist tyranny as “Russians,” “Russian agents,” “Russian sympathizers,” and “Traitors.” Already, we have seen those on “The View” calling for a DOJ investigation of Tucker Carlson for simply exercising free speech and critical thinking; and there is a witch-hunt against Candace Owens for the same — as well as daring to say that Russian Lives Matter.

And so, with the flip of a switch, brainwashed influencers and everyday citizens — those who helped the Globalists police the world regarding the COVID Scamdemic — are at it again regarding Russia/Ukraine.

Here’s how the witch-hunt might play out regarding the “Russian crisis” and vaccination:

For some time Russia — though being a pro-vaccine, Globalist country itself — has been called by Globalist propagandists a major source of “vaccine misinformation” (which in reality is normally true information about vaccines that contradicts the official narratives). A couple examples from a few years ago:

This theme continues during the COVID Scamdemic:

You see how malevolent this is. By trying to warn people with factual information about vaccines that could save lives, anti-vaxxers can be suspected of working (wittingly or unwittingly) with an “enemy power” to undermine a (falsely-called) “life saving vaccine” that “could end a national crisis.”

Now that Russia is considered the #1 enemy of the world, we can put all of this in perspective.

It is as if Russia’s war with Ukraine was planned by the Globalists long ago, as the false narrative connecting anti-vaxxers and Russia has been (seemingly methodically) building over the years. By the time the war begins, a pretext is conveniently already in place to consider anti-vaxxers to be in league with Russia — giving them the stigma of traitors (and we know how “traitors” can be dealt with during war).

Indeed, how convenient is a recent onslaught of articles. (They didn’t waste any time.) For instance,

For the Globalists, then, war may be the planned endgame to stamp out public vaccine dissent: if you oppose vaccine genocide, you support Russia, and must be dealt with.

War as pretext for more vaccine mandates

The “Russian virus” narrative is not only a diversion from vaccine genocide; it also provides the potential for further vaccine genocide.

First, there is increasing awareness that many are being murdered by the COVID vaccine in the name of fighting a virus. The threat of war with Russia is a convenient diversion to get people to look away from this.

Second, since the Globalists are obsessed with mass murdering the world’s population with vaccines, expect Russia’s war with Ukraine to be a pretext for more mandatory vaccination (and more masks, shutdowns, etc.). Perhaps, to rebuild trust in the genocidal vaccine program, it will be a labelled as a “different,” “safer” vaccine to distance it from the baggage of the COVID shot. But, with vaccination being what it is, it would still be deadly nonetheless.

All they have to do is claim Russia is going to unleash a biological weapon on us; or they may even unleash one on us and say Russia did it. Then, they quickly turn the screws by pressuring businesses and lawmakers to force the vaccine on the population. Those who vocally oppose vaccine genocide will be “accomplices” to biological attack and thus “traitors” and “terrorists.”

What to do?

What to do? How do we avoid or deal with more vaccine tyranny due to Scamdemic 2.0?

For one thing, don’t go along with the propaganda narratives of the Globalist media. We don’t want to encourage the powers that be to enact tyrannical wartime powers by giving them popular consent, as what happened in the COVID Scamdemic. Resist tyranny by resisting the narrative.

Second, while we hope for the best, we prepare for the worst. The war is rapidly accelerating the global shortages and famine initiated by Corona Fascism. Have backup food and supplies. Such contingencies will also be needed if we lose our jobs over new vaccine mandates.

Communities of trustworthy people for mutual support is also important. We can’t do it alone. Those of us who are Christians have a major advantage in this regard, being part of a local Christian community.

Also as Christians, we can pray for God’s sovereign protection — from famine, nuclear war, societal chaos, biological attacks, vaccines, etc. — all of the horrors resulting from the Globalists’ controlled demolition of the world.

(But God sometimes chastens His people for their sins, and thus we as Christians must examine ourselves and repent of our sins. Perhaps this is a time of chastening for us.)

We also, as Christians, must speak out against the murderous agendas of the Globalists, and love our neighbors by educating them with truth that they may not hear otherwise. We must be salt and light — and not fear being slandered as “Russian agents” or “traitors” for doing so. Let us be bold for the Lord.

Finally, while the tyrants make their plans, they aren’t in control — God is. They cannot go beyond what He allows in His infinite wisdom. At the right time, God will thwart the Globalist agenda forever.

The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;
he frustrates the plans of the peoples. (Psalm 33:10, ESV)

Obedience is ours. The results are God’s. The Globalists are ultimately predestined to fail.

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