Christianity, History, Natural, Quotes

Vaccination and Blasphemy (1892)

“The vaccination theory implies, and vaccinators and pro-vaccinators openly assert, that a healthy unvaccinated child is a nuisance, as dangerous as a mad dog, a rabid horse, etc. Such wild talk is blasphemy against the Creator, who doeth all things well. Such a theory per se condemns any practice founded upon it.” — Vaccination Tracts, 1892

History, Natural, Uncategorized

God’s Health Instructions in Nature vs. Vaccination (1871)

“Physical law shuts up the blood for safety within three coated vessels. To open them with a lancet is a violation of that law. Common bleeding is now being abandoned, because, as a violation of law, terrible punishments ensued, sometimes sudden, very often a lingering prolonged death. Physical law prohibits the use of poison in the body. To introduce the vaccine poison is a violation of that law.”